
nails, beauty and treatment | Do not bite nails

nails, beauty and treatment Do not bite nails
Your fingernails and toenails can indicate potential problems in other parts of your body. Health and healthy nails are related. If you keep your nails healthy and strong, you would probably notice a change in the composition and color of your nails. Avoid biting your nails and keep yourself in good health. Avoid the diseases from attacking you.Avoid nail bitingAvoid biting your nails as you are interfering with their ability to protect your sensitive fingers.You can apply nail paints, for females, and the males can polish their nails. It could be difficult for you to bite these beautiful looking nails. You can apply the nail paints. As these nail paints taste dirty, you would not want to bite your nails. Cut your nails regularly. There would be nothing left to bite, so nail biting condition would not arise. Nail biting can be dangerous as the dirt might go along with food into your stomach. This would cause harm to you, as various diseases may attack you. The bitten nails get more easily infected causing trouble. Do not bite nails but cut them regularly. Maintain your nails in hygienic conditions.Some tipsWrap a bandage around your elbow and that would make it difficult for you to move your hand your mouth. You can get the non-toxic gels and apply it on your nails. As this tastes bad, you would stop doing it after some time. Keep your hands busy with some hobby and this would help you avoid biting. Wear gloves if the other things do not work. It will take some time, whichever method you use. Stick on to that method until it is effective. The next time you want to bite your nail, you can just chew a gum instead. The females can apply a thick coat of nail paint and this would make it difficult to bite nails. If you are a guy, you can apply a thick coat of clear nail polish. It will not be visible very easily until someone notices unusually shiny nails. This would not help your to bite the nails easily.